At Splash Paws we have the latest version of the Stance Analyser
We use the Stance for ALL assessment sessions throughout our therapy programmes, this incredible analytical tool is included in your session cost, no extra to pay!

The Stance Analyser provides a platform for your dog to stand on.
This four-quadrant platform is connected directly to a computer, once your dog is comfortable standing still, 1 click and we take a series of 25 measurements, instantly giving us accurate and objective data to identify how your dog is weight-bearing.
We can all see most lameness issues in a dog’s movement, but having this equipment allows for precise measurements and forms part of our personalised therapy planning, which helps drive improved therapy outcomes.
Utilising the Companion Stance Analyser in our clinic takes our lameness evaluations to the next level and allows us to communicate ongoing issues with ease to you, the owner.