What to Expect (Physiotherapy)

 What happens during a physiotherapy session?

During an initial assessment your physiotherapist will perform the following assessments:

  • Assessing the animal statically – how are they standing? How is their posture? Are they weight-bearing all limbs evenly?
  • Assessing the animal dynamically – watching how they move to see how individual limbs and joints are functioning
  • Palpation assessment – feeling the animals’ bodily structures to assess for signs of pain, damage, reduced or increased muscle tone, scar tissue and more
  • Range of motion assessment – assessing the dogs joints to see their comfortable range of motion, identifying any areas of restriction and pain
  • Neurological assessment – to assess the function of the neurological system (only performed if required, not usually necessary for all patients)
  • Stance analyser
  • Muscle mass measurements
  • Health checks including weight

The information collected will help us identify which areas your dog is struggling with and helps decide the aims and treatment plan going forward.

During a regular treatment session, we will perform the following:

  • Check in with how your dog is doing, any changes that have occurred this week
  • Go over your dog’s exercise plan, ensuring you and your dog are comfortable with all the exercises required at home, making changes if needed
  • Application of electrotherapies
  • Application of massage, soft tissue work, myofascial release and joint mobilisations
  • Book in the next session, ensuring you understand and are happy with the treatment plan and our aims